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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Take part online by using #SMDayMEM!

Since Social Media Day falls on a Sunday, you're being asked to celebrate wherever you like and share online using the official hashtag! Use your favorite social media sites for a couple of easy challenges.

1. Leave a positive review for at least one of your favorite businesses. This is helpful on sites like Facebook, Instagram or Yelp.


2. Use the hashtag #SMDayMEM and post at least 3 different people, places or things that you love in Memphis. Share favorite restaurants, bands, businesses, food, parks, attractions, employees, etc. We'll be re-tweeting & re-posting.

Don't forget to use the #SMDayMEM tag!


Mashable launched Social Media Day in 2010 as a way to recognize and celebrate social media's impact on global communication.


While everyday is essentially Social Media Day, June 30th, 2019 marks the 10th annual official global celebration. 


Every year, celebrations happen in countries all over the world. 


Memphis will be celebrating again this year! Hope you'll join us!!


Social Media Day Memphis 2019 is sponsored by LMCB Social. Click on the logos to find out more about our past sponsors.


#SMDayMEM, Social Media Day Memphis 2016, SMDay Memphis, Social Media Day
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